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Here is a list of our members: WIP

The Command Team

Jack: Dara-Leftenenant (2nd Lt) UNIT CO


Jack has been re enacting for 6 years, portraying 7 different nations spanning 70 years, he became interested in re enacting Irish forces due to his own family hailing from Ireland plus the obscurity of Irish military history on the international stage. After many many hours of research he finally decided to set up a living history group portraying the Irish forces throughout the 20th Century (the first of it's kind in the UK). He is the unit CO and is the rank of Dara-Lefteanant (2nd Lt)

Ewan: Sáirsint (Sgt) Unit 2IC


Martin: Ceannaire, 2 Réalta (2 Star Cpl)


Enlisted Men

Tony: Saighdiúr Singil, 3 Réalta (3 Star Private)


Dean: Saighdiúr Singil, 3 Réalta (3 Star Private)


Christy Fleming
Congo Veteran
(Honorary Member)

Saighdiúr Singil, 3 Réalta (3 Star Private)


Aaron: Saighdiúr Singil, 2 Réalta (2 Star Private)


Christy was deployed to the Congo in 1961 at the age of 17 with the 1st Infantry Group he saw extensive action throughout his deployment experiencing attacks from both Ground and Air based hostile forces. He was sent home after suffering a injury. He moved to the UK shortly after leaving the Army.

We are proud to have Christy as a member of the group he's taught us much about the Congo and about the men who volunteered to go.

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